Whats up guys?
Have you missed me?
Probably not but anyways I am back on schedule.
Next post will come on friday and it will be a gold tip.
So stay tuned for that guys, comment and subscribe.
By the way guys started a new youtube chanel, It's a comedy show about me reviewing the best youtbe clips. I know it was pretty bad but it was my first one!
Diablo 3 CD Key Winner
Today I will give out the Diablo 3 CD key that everyone have been waiting for.
I am very sorry for the delay, won't happen again.
And the winner is.. VokurkYng, I have sent you an email make sure to answear within 7 days or else I'll give it to another reader.
More giveaways coming in a few weeks guys, so make sure to stay tuned for that, and once again congratulation VokurkYng.
I am currently working on a Youtube show that will be released in a few days so make sure to look out for that, It's not Diablo 3 gold relevant but still fun as hell :)
I am very sorry for the delay, won't happen again.
And the winner is.. VokurkYng, I have sent you an email make sure to answear within 7 days or else I'll give it to another reader.
More giveaways coming in a few weeks guys, so make sure to stay tuned for that, and once again congratulation VokurkYng.
I am currently working on a Youtube show that will be released in a few days so make sure to look out for that, It's not Diablo 3 gold relevant but still fun as hell :)
Random Property Equals Gold Mine!
This is something that I love, I have already touched this in a old post about how much I loved Ultima Online and how good the crafting system was there. Almost all propertys were random, in both crafting and looting.
When i saw Diablo 3 were going to have a similar system I was doing backflips, I just couldn't be more happy for two reasons.
This system is realy helping the economy to stay stable and make the best items so much more rare.
This is something very positive and good for us "hardcore" goldmakers. If you wan't the best items you have to craft alot of items, which is great because we will be buying all the cheap materials we can get just to make loads of items, which equals good propertys which equals profit.
Something thats not as easy yet is:
Which propertys will be the best sellers? And which items will be the most requested? I will touch that more involving in a futher post down the road.
Thanks for taking you'r time to read this goldtip, make sure to subscribe in the sidebar or follow me on my social medias under the Contact tab for uptades when fresh posts is released. Stay tuned for more guys!
Diablo 3 Cd Key Update
So here is a quick update of the CD key that alot of you have been asking about.
The key will be given out October the 5th. Everyone that subscribes, Follows me on Twitter or Likes my Facebook page have a chance of winning, except Ivar X Kr who won the last one.
I wan't to point out this is not some kind of giveaway site, my passion is about making gold and thats what the website is all about, you should have some interest in gold aswell. If you'r just here for the CD key I would recommend you to just unsubscribe after the giveaway, It's a win win situation, I get the audience I wan't and you guys get what u wan't.
Sorry for the late gold tip It will come out on sunday, until then, remember to comment, share, spread the giveaway to you'r friends (Not like you will because that will minimize you'r chance of winning , but still worth a shot *smiles*)
So here is a quick update of the CD key that alot of you have been asking about.
The key will be given out October the 5th. Everyone that subscribes, Follows me on Twitter or Likes my Facebook page have a chance of winning, except Ivar X Kr who won the last one.
I wan't to point out this is not some kind of giveaway site, my passion is about making gold and thats what the website is all about, you should have some interest in gold aswell. If you'r just here for the CD key I would recommend you to just unsubscribe after the giveaway, It's a win win situation, I get the audience I wan't and you guys get what u wan't.
Sorry for the late gold tip It will come out on sunday, until then, remember to comment, share, spread the giveaway to you'r friends (Not like you will because that will minimize you'r chance of winning , but still worth a shot *smiles*)
Diablo 3 Key Giveaway!
Anyone ready for some giveaways?
As I have promised I will be running another Diablo 3 giveaway.
All you have to do is either Like my facebook page, Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog in the sidebar. I will give away one Diablo 3 CD key, I haven't got enough money to giveaway more at the moment, I am sorry.
Don't send me emails asking to get it befour anyone else because that will not happen.
I hope everyone have checked out the D3 beta item database?
If not, go there right away. It's some very cool items and I will make a post next that's about some possible best sellers and usefull items.
Thanks guys, comment and stay tuned.
As I have promised I will be running another Diablo 3 giveaway.
All you have to do is either Like my facebook page, Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog in the sidebar. I will give away one Diablo 3 CD key, I haven't got enough money to giveaway more at the moment, I am sorry.
Don't send me emails asking to get it befour anyone else because that will not happen.
I hope everyone have checked out the D3 beta item database?
If not, go there right away. It's some very cool items and I will make a post next that's about some possible best sellers and usefull items.
Thanks guys, comment and stay tuned.
Invest In Rare Items With Care!
Now when the beta have been released I realy have to say the idea of buying and selling rare items has gone into dust, People have already aquired tons of legendary items in the beta and have driven the prices down ( on the gold auction house ). So I think it will be very risky to invest into "rare" and "legendary" items because of unstable prices.
There will of course be occasional exceptions with some items that will be good to invest into but I will do a post futher into the game.
How do you my fellow readers feel about the beta?
Did it held up to you'r expectations?
I am quite happy actually, It's abit easy from times to times but It's just a quarter of the first act so there is plently of room for some harder adventures.
Beta and CD key Giveaways
Looking forward to the giveaways?
I bet you do!
More giveaways coming this week so stay tuned for that guys!
Do you wan't to take part of the giveaways? All you have to do to is subscribe in the sidebar. Also make sure to Like my page at facebook for quick updates and some information about my real life :) Link
There will of course be occasional exceptions with some items that will be good to invest into but I will do a post futher into the game.
How do you my fellow readers feel about the beta?
Did it held up to you'r expectations?
I am quite happy actually, It's abit easy from times to times but It's just a quarter of the first act so there is plently of room for some harder adventures.
Beta and CD key Giveaways
Looking forward to the giveaways?
I bet you do!
More giveaways coming this week so stay tuned for that guys!
Do you wan't to take part of the giveaways? All you have to do to is subscribe in the sidebar. Also make sure to Like my page at facebook for quick updates and some information about my real life :) Link
Earn Money While You Have Fun
Okey so I bet most of you hate "farming"?
With "farming" I mean sitting hours on end killing the same monsters.
Thats just the worst thing to do on earth.
Will you be able to make money or gold without farming?
I am safe to say you will easly be able to make money or gold without wasting you'r time on farming. This is of course by using you'r Artisans and the Auction House. Artisans will most probably be my main gold and money source in Diablo 3.
My goal in Diablo 3 will be to see how much gold and money I can make per hour and later release the best secrets for my fellow readers.
And when I wan't to maximize my income. I can't run around farming for a few cents an hour. The only time I will be farming is when the game forces me to it in form of quests and so on.
There is however a few exceptions."Rare" monsters is one of them, rare monsters is someting that spawns at a very slow spawning rate, sometimes several days. That means that they will have very good loot and this is someting I definitely will keep track of.
So while you have fun while earning money?
If you enjoy playing the auction house, find new ways to increase you'r income and learn you will definitely have fun while you make money. You can even just spend a few "boring" minutes a day doing you'r "things" on the auction house and so on and still make a bit of cash.
Thats everyting for today I know I have been an lazy ass not following my schedule, I have just been insanely busy with some other projekts at home. Thanks for tuning in guys stay tuned for more, comment and subscribe.
With "farming" I mean sitting hours on end killing the same monsters.
Thats just the worst thing to do on earth.
Will you be able to make money or gold without farming?
I am safe to say you will easly be able to make money or gold without wasting you'r time on farming. This is of course by using you'r Artisans and the Auction House. Artisans will most probably be my main gold and money source in Diablo 3.
My goal in Diablo 3 will be to see how much gold and money I can make per hour and later release the best secrets for my fellow readers.
And when I wan't to maximize my income. I can't run around farming for a few cents an hour. The only time I will be farming is when the game forces me to it in form of quests and so on.
There is however a few exceptions."Rare" monsters is one of them, rare monsters is someting that spawns at a very slow spawning rate, sometimes several days. That means that they will have very good loot and this is someting I definitely will keep track of.
So while you have fun while earning money?
If you enjoy playing the auction house, find new ways to increase you'r income and learn you will definitely have fun while you make money. You can even just spend a few "boring" minutes a day doing you'r "things" on the auction house and so on and still make a bit of cash.
Thats everyting for today I know I have been an lazy ass not following my schedule, I have just been insanely busy with some other projekts at home. Thanks for tuning in guys stay tuned for more, comment and subscribe.
Diablo 3 Giveaway Winner!
Hello Guys!
The end of the Diablo 3 CD key giveaway is here and alot of people have been subscribing! I am realy happy for that.
And the winner is...
Ivar X Kr
Congratulations my friend I have sent you an email, If you don't answear in five days the CD key will go to someone else.
Thanks guys, I know I have been lazy with the gold tips, but It's realy hard to find inspiration without playing the game. I will be releasing more tips and be holding more giveaway very soon! Stay tuned and subscribe for future giveaways!
The end of the Diablo 3 CD key giveaway is here and alot of people have been subscribing! I am realy happy for that.
And the winner is...
Ivar X Kr
Congratulations my friend I have sent you an email, If you don't answear in five days the CD key will go to someone else.
Thanks guys, I know I have been lazy with the gold tips, but It's realy hard to find inspiration without playing the game. I will be releasing more tips and be holding more giveaway very soon! Stay tuned and subscribe for future giveaways!
The Community In Diablo 3
Doesen't all of you hate those game where the community is awful?
The game is full of fifteen year old boys screaming how bad you are and how you should uninstall the game?
Atleast I do.
The diablo series was designed as a single player game at first but now in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 blizzard have started leaing towards the "MMO" style more and more.
Diablo 3 will let you choice yourself if you wan't to play with others, just you'r friends or alone. Diablo is designed so the monsters gets buffed if more players is on the server and they will also drop better loot, which is an awesome feature.
Will RMAH make the community worse?
When playing a regular "MMO" with a good community It's not hard at all to get the help you need. But will the real money evolve the community to someting awful because none wan't to share their secret information? In my opinion the real money will definitely change the community into someting bad. It won't realy matter though because you can easly play yourself or just with you'r friends. Scamming will be a scary part though. People will scam alot! And by alot I mean when someone will get a chance they will take it, even if its just a couple of bucks.
Wan't to take part of the Diablo 3 CD Key Giveaway? Make sure to subscribe, two days left.
Stay tuned for more guys!
The game is full of fifteen year old boys screaming how bad you are and how you should uninstall the game?
Atleast I do.
The diablo series was designed as a single player game at first but now in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 blizzard have started leaing towards the "MMO" style more and more.
Diablo 3 will let you choice yourself if you wan't to play with others, just you'r friends or alone. Diablo is designed so the monsters gets buffed if more players is on the server and they will also drop better loot, which is an awesome feature.
Will RMAH make the community worse?
When playing a regular "MMO" with a good community It's not hard at all to get the help you need. But will the real money evolve the community to someting awful because none wan't to share their secret information? In my opinion the real money will definitely change the community into someting bad. It won't realy matter though because you can easly play yourself or just with you'r friends. Scamming will be a scary part though. People will scam alot! And by alot I mean when someone will get a chance they will take it, even if its just a couple of bucks.
Wan't to take part of the Diablo 3 CD Key Giveaway? Make sure to subscribe, two days left.
Stay tuned for more guys!
Diablo 3 Cd Key Giveaway Information
Hungry for some Diablo 3?
Here is a video of me talking about the giveaway and some regular stuff about my website! Make sure to check it out and leave a comment of how ugly I am! :)
Some more specific information.
I will give away the CD key the 14 September that be said at Wednesday. Will post the winner here on the website.
If you wanna take part of the giveaway all you have to do is either subscribe here on my website at the sidebar or on my youtube account.
Thanks guys, comment, subscribe and stay tuned for more!
Ps. Sorry for the swearing at the end.
Diablo 3 CD Key Lottery!
I will be holding a giveaway of atleast one Diablo 3 CD key maybe more for my subscribers.
Do you wan't to take part?
More information will come tomorrow also a video of me talking about the rules and so on!
Thanks Guys, Stay Tuned!
Do you wan't to take part?
More information will come tomorrow also a video of me talking about the rules and so on!
Thanks Guys, Stay Tuned!
Diablo 3 Gold Guide - Magic Find
For you guys that is not familiar with Magic Find who are a part of Diablo 2.
Magic find is a propery which will boost you'r "luck factor". With high Magic find you will be getting more magic items which of course is a good thing.
In my opinion this propery have both pros and cons. For me magic find will always be the main property of choice which means that my character won't be very poweful because of that, which sucks.
BUT In my opinion it's also a very cool feature and I am thinking of creating one character for farming with magic find and one character with my powerful gear for pvp.
What race will you play?
I have been getting a lot of question asking what class I am going to be playing, I have yet to decide between my favorite characters which is the Wizard and the Monk.
I think the Wizard will be a very good choice if you want to be a fast killer and I also think they will have a easier time stacking up magic find because they might now need as powerful gear as a melee class. Monks just look damn cool.
What Class Will You Play?
Leave a comment and feel free to subscribe!
Magic find is a propery which will boost you'r "luck factor". With high Magic find you will be getting more magic items which of course is a good thing.
In my opinion this propery have both pros and cons. For me magic find will always be the main property of choice which means that my character won't be very poweful because of that, which sucks.
BUT In my opinion it's also a very cool feature and I am thinking of creating one character for farming with magic find and one character with my powerful gear for pvp.
What race will you play?
I have been getting a lot of question asking what class I am going to be playing, I have yet to decide between my favorite characters which is the Wizard and the Monk.
I think the Wizard will be a very good choice if you want to be a fast killer and I also think they will have a easier time stacking up magic find because they might now need as powerful gear as a melee class. Monks just look damn cool.
What Class Will You Play?
Leave a comment and feel free to subscribe!
Diablo 3 Beta Key Giveaway
Do you wanna be sure to take part in the giveaway? You can either Subscribe in the sidebar or down below, Like my facebookpage or Follow me on twitter, then you can be 100% sure you will take part of my giveaway and take part of the free Diablo 3 gold tips. The giveaway is coming very soon guys!
Blizzard have started giving out Beta keys already, but only to the press and prominent fansites. So I am glad to say that we will soon see a Beta key in you'r Email (if you were lucky enough to get one, that be said).
If you'r lucky enough to get a beta key, do not click any links in you'r email. Go straight to battle.net and follow the instructions there. I have already seen people spamming me with fake beta keys in hope to get some information. Use as always common sense when it comes to email guys!
Didn't you get a beta key in the first wave?
Don't worry, Short gameplay + Likely issued = High attrition = Additional beta keys.
So make sure to stay on top and look forward to other beta key giveaways!
I will for sure be giving away beta keys if I get a second one.
Thanks guys and remember to subscribe, comment and share!
Facebook, Twitter and Bloggroll!
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No? Then hurry up and do so for more information about what I am up to.
If not, hurry up and like for hints about future posts and much more!
Page: Diablo 3 gold guide
This is for the other Diablo 3 Gold Blogs out there
Wanna be on my blog roll? Write a comment with a link to you'r blog and I will put you on my blog roll.
Thank you and remember to subscribe.
The most common questions in Diablo 3
I see daily the same questions get asked over and over again.
Today I am going to answear the most common ones.
When is the Beta coming?
This is the number one most common question and It's incredibly easy to find the answear.
Blizzard told us It's coming the third quarter of 2011 that be said around september.
Will you be able to make a living from playing Diablo 3?
I think making a living from Diablo 3 is highly unrealistic. It will of course depend on the amount of time and effort you put into the game. If you are extremely lucky and put all you'r effort into it and use all the help you can get It's possible to make a nice chunk of money, no doubt.
How high will the RMAH posting fees be?
They haven't stated any specific numbers but they told us it won't be based on the auction price. All posts will have the same fees. That be said, people will most likely sell their items in big quantities which is another possibility to take advantage of.
Will everyone look the same?
This is also a very frequently asked question. The anwear is NO blizzard have told us that all the best armor pieces won't be used as a "armor set" and people will mix different kinds of armor and dye them any color they wan'tt which means It's very unlikely to meet someone that looks exactly like you.
That's the most FAQ I will be writing about today, remember to subscribe.
Today I am going to answear the most common ones.
When is the Beta coming?
This is the number one most common question and It's incredibly easy to find the answear.
Blizzard told us It's coming the third quarter of 2011 that be said around september.
Will you be able to make a living from playing Diablo 3?
I think making a living from Diablo 3 is highly unrealistic. It will of course depend on the amount of time and effort you put into the game. If you are extremely lucky and put all you'r effort into it and use all the help you can get It's possible to make a nice chunk of money, no doubt.
How high will the RMAH posting fees be?
They haven't stated any specific numbers but they told us it won't be based on the auction price. All posts will have the same fees. That be said, people will most likely sell their items in big quantities which is another possibility to take advantage of.
Will everyone look the same?
This is also a very frequently asked question. The anwear is NO blizzard have told us that all the best armor pieces won't be used as a "armor set" and people will mix different kinds of armor and dye them any color they wan'tt which means It's very unlikely to meet someone that looks exactly like you.
That's the most FAQ I will be writing about today, remember to subscribe.
My analyze of the Crafting in Diablo 3
Ever played Ultima Online?
Ultima Online had according to me one hell of an crafting system.
Almost all propertys was random when creating an item. People wasn't only crafting, people was playing characters that were designed for crafting and it was so fun people could sit for hours just doing their crafting stuff!
Will there be any Crafting in Diablo 3?
In Diablo 3 crafting is made by Artisans. Artisans is a special NPC that will use their skill in crafting and create the items you wan't for you. The Blacksmith is the first artisan you will encounter. The blacksmith can not only be used for crafting but also repairing and adding gem sockets which is realy important to increase the value on you'r items and increasing you'r profit.
How will the crafting system work then?
You will have to earn the artisans trust by doing quests. When they fully trust you they will follow you to the end and craft items on you'r demand. Have in mind that you'r artisans have to train thei'r craftig skill to create better items which will cost resources and gold. It's not like world of warcraft were you craft items to gain skill, thats not the case in Diablo 3.
Your artisan will learn some recipes automatically but the good ones will be very rare and lootet from the monsters you slay. If you woul'd get lucky enough to loot one of this recipes, I highly recommend to use it and craft items and sell for some nice profit at the AH or RMAH. Crafted items that's rare will sell for tremendous amount of gold or money at the start.
Propertys will be random.
Let's say you are going to craft a pair of gloves. The gloves have two set propertys, and two random propertys. That means if you want a specific mod on you'r pair of gloves it might take several attempts to get the pair you want. If you'r lucky enough to craft some Very good items, don't hesitate sell them on the AH or RMAH as fast as you can, that will make you some nice money or gold.
Make sure to comment, subscribe and stay tuned for more.
Ultima Online had according to me one hell of an crafting system.
Almost all propertys was random when creating an item. People wasn't only crafting, people was playing characters that were designed for crafting and it was so fun people could sit for hours just doing their crafting stuff!
Will there be any Crafting in Diablo 3?
In Diablo 3 crafting is made by Artisans. Artisans is a special NPC that will use their skill in crafting and create the items you wan't for you. The Blacksmith is the first artisan you will encounter. The blacksmith can not only be used for crafting but also repairing and adding gem sockets which is realy important to increase the value on you'r items and increasing you'r profit.
How will the crafting system work then?
You will have to earn the artisans trust by doing quests. When they fully trust you they will follow you to the end and craft items on you'r demand. Have in mind that you'r artisans have to train thei'r craftig skill to create better items which will cost resources and gold. It's not like world of warcraft were you craft items to gain skill, thats not the case in Diablo 3.
Your artisan will learn some recipes automatically but the good ones will be very rare and lootet from the monsters you slay. If you woul'd get lucky enough to loot one of this recipes, I highly recommend to use it and craft items and sell for some nice profit at the AH or RMAH. Crafted items that's rare will sell for tremendous amount of gold or money at the start.
Propertys will be random.
Let's say you are going to craft a pair of gloves. The gloves have two set propertys, and two random propertys. That means if you want a specific mod on you'r pair of gloves it might take several attempts to get the pair you want. If you'r lucky enough to craft some Very good items, don't hesitate sell them on the AH or RMAH as fast as you can, that will make you some nice money or gold.
Make sure to comment, subscribe and stay tuned for more.
Will the Diablo 3 Economy be stable?
I have been getting alot of questions about the Diablo 3 Economy. How do we know the Economy won't crash like in Diablo 2?
I have a few points I will bring up to show you why the Diablo 3 economy will stay stable.
A few concerns I have.
We will of course be able to take advantage of the botter but I will talk more about that in another post.
Thanks and stay tuned for more!
I have a few points I will bring up to show you why the Diablo 3 economy will stay stable.
- Diablo 3 will require internet connection which Diablo 2 didn't need.
- The need of internet acces means Blizzard can track everyting.
- Blizzard have specifically told us that they have found a way to deal with dupes.
A few concerns I have.
- In World of Warcraft botters was a huge problem and will most probably also be in Diablo 3
- Everyting just drop in price because of the undercutting
We will of course be able to take advantage of the botter but I will talk more about that in another post.
Thanks and stay tuned for more!
A big part of the AH and RMAH will be Timing!
Diablo 3 gold guide Tip 4
For you that haven't played WoW It's quite simple. A big part to be successful at the Auction house in WoW was timing, knowing when to sell and buy items. As an example we can take the Potions, Flasks and Elexirs in WoW, to create all this consumables we had to use herbs. Herbs could either be gathered by hand or bought from another player on the auction house. When I were selling flasks I bought a stack of herbs for 20gold or less, because I knew that I could turn that around and make it into 40gold by selling the flasks on the auction house. But now to the timing part, You should always buy the cheap material from the auction house, you never want to run out of material when your items sells for high prices. Second thing is you want to look for patterns. In WoW all the raids was refreshed at Wednesdays so thats when alot of people were raiding, more people raiding equals higher demand for flasks so on wednesdays I was turning my 20g herb stack into 60-70gold instead of 40gold which is a huge difference in the long run. Now when Diablo 3 is released this is what you want to discover, small tricks to increase your gold income.
Are you afraid you won't get into the first "wave" of beta testers? Don't worry, Blizzard will be giving out alot more betakeys as time goes on.
For you that haven't played WoW It's quite simple. A big part to be successful at the Auction house in WoW was timing, knowing when to sell and buy items. As an example we can take the Potions, Flasks and Elexirs in WoW, to create all this consumables we had to use herbs. Herbs could either be gathered by hand or bought from another player on the auction house. When I were selling flasks I bought a stack of herbs for 20gold or less, because I knew that I could turn that around and make it into 40gold by selling the flasks on the auction house. But now to the timing part, You should always buy the cheap material from the auction house, you never want to run out of material when your items sells for high prices. Second thing is you want to look for patterns. In WoW all the raids was refreshed at Wednesdays so thats when alot of people were raiding, more people raiding equals higher demand for flasks so on wednesdays I was turning my 20g herb stack into 60-70gold instead of 40gold which is a huge difference in the long run. Now when Diablo 3 is released this is what you want to discover, small tricks to increase your gold income.
Are you afraid you won't get into the first "wave" of beta testers? Don't worry, Blizzard will be giving out alot more betakeys as time goes on.
- Short gameplay + Likely issued = High attrition = Additional beta keys
A possible Auction House tool for Diablo 3
All of you World of warcraft players out there have probably heard about auctioneer. Auctioneer is a auction house tool used for storing information, find great deals and scan the auction house for better details. I recently came across a guy from the Diablo 3 fans forum named "Molsterr" and he will put up a website called diabloauctions.net and will bebased on the Diablo 3 Auction House. The website will store all the information. The creator wrote that when you search for an item you will find:
Have in mind blizzard will have to cooperate to make this possible so It's far from 100% sure this will go live.
For more information check out Diablo 3 Fans forum and Diabloauctions.net. and remember to give him some feedback.
Have you seen my new posting schedule? If not make sure to chek it out here
Thanks and remember to subscribe!
- Most recent Buyout Gold price
- Most recent Bid Gold price (closest to ending, if no already ended found)
- Most recent Buyout Real Money Price
- Most recent Bid Real Money Price (closest to ending, if no already ended found)
- DiabloAuctions.net’s Interactive graph & statistics app (more info below)
- The items Salvageable mats, with the Recent buyout/bid information on each. (to help see if you should sell the mats instead, or if a crafted item, buy the mats instead)
- Both a Gold and Real Money graph over the last month of an items value. (Note: Gold will be graphed at a real money value on the graph. EX: lets say $1 = 100g, if the item is selling for 300 gold, it will be graphed at the $3 mark).
Interactive data points for each set of information on the add - When you mouse over, it will give you the Highest and Lowest of both the bid, and buyout, along with the avg of all auctions in that data point.
- Clicking the data point will pull up a chart showing all information on the auctions that was used to plot that point on the graph. (Date recorded, its Bid, buyout, time left..ect)
Have in mind blizzard will have to cooperate to make this possible so It's far from 100% sure this will go live.
For more information check out Diablo 3 Fans forum and Diabloauctions.net. and remember to give him some feedback.
Have you seen my new posting schedule? If not make sure to chek it out here
Thanks and remember to subscribe!
Hard earned items will be Hard to earn!
Blizzard have told us about a new level difficulty called infernal. Infernal will be extremly hard and will take very long time to master. To understand how hard it actually will be, we can compare the last level difficulty in diablo 2 called hell, with the new level difficulty infernal. The level cap in diablo 2 was 99 and the highest monster in hell was level 98. If you compare that to diablo 3 where the monsters will at minimum be at level 61 and the player level cap will be 60.
Something Blizzard also stated is that the very best items will come from infernal and be very hard to get. The rare items that comes from infernal will also be "tagged" so people actualy know how rare they are, which I think is a very cool feature. Something I have heard people arguing about is that they dont want the rarest items to be armor and wepon sets so everyone looks the same. Blizzard told us that the rarest items wont be item sets, as there will be other sets in the game. But running into someone that looks exactly the same is minimal because of all the color dyes and so on.
Have in mind blizzard can change the content as time goes on! Thanks, and stay tuned for more. Please comment and subscribe!
Something Blizzard also stated is that the very best items will come from infernal and be very hard to get. The rare items that comes from infernal will also be "tagged" so people actualy know how rare they are, which I think is a very cool feature. Something I have heard people arguing about is that they dont want the rarest items to be armor and wepon sets so everyone looks the same. Blizzard told us that the rarest items wont be item sets, as there will be other sets in the game. But running into someone that looks exactly the same is minimal because of all the color dyes and so on.
Have in mind blizzard can change the content as time goes on! Thanks, and stay tuned for more. Please comment and subscribe!
My posting schedule
Here is my posting schedule, I will be posting alot of gold tips and also release youtube videos once a week about some farming, giveaways and much more!
- Monday (Gold Tip)
- Wednesday (Gold Tip)
- Friday (Gold Tip)
- Sunday (Youtube Movie)
Preorder and Beta for Diablo 3
Have you preordered Diablo 3? If not make sure to do so at amazon.com.
Here is a quick link for you guys! Diablo 3 preorder
If you still havent signed up for the beta, make sure to do so as fast as possible. If you need information on how to do it check one of my previous posts about the Beta.
If you aint among the first "wave" of players to play the beta, dont be mad because there will probably be alot more opportunities to get a beta key.
Thanks guys and remember to subscribe!
Here is a quick link for you guys! Diablo 3 preorder
If you still havent signed up for the beta, make sure to do so as fast as possible. If you need information on how to do it check one of my previous posts about the Beta.
If you aint among the first "wave" of players to play the beta, dont be mad because there will probably be alot more opportunities to get a beta key.
Thanks guys and remember to subscribe!
Speculating of were to invest your first money in Diablo 3
I have been speculating some about were to invest at the start of Diablo 3. Blizzard have revealed that items that are looted, that be said armor, jewels, weapons and so on can be salvaged with the Nephalem Cube. They have only still revealed three diffrent common reagents that will be in the Diablo 3 Beta and that is Bone, soul essence and common scraps.
This is how I will start my investments.
Thats it from the number one Diablo Gold and Money Guide. Stay tuned for more, comment and please subscribe.
This is how I will start my investments.
- First I will sell "new" salvage reagents for a high price when they still are new.
- When people starts salvaging more and more and flood the Auction House with reagents I will be buying the cheap ones.
- Then Ill use the reagents I bought and start crafting items I see being usefull for some nice profit.
Thats it from the number one Diablo Gold and Money Guide. Stay tuned for more, comment and please subscribe.
Diablo 3 Gold Secret
I will put alot of my time and effort in researching and analyzing in Diablo 3
When I was playing World of warcraft and Ultima online earning gold wasnt realy a big task if you compare how hard it will be in Diablo 3. If you want to get alot of gold or money in Diablo 3 you will need to do strict reaserches and analyzes if you dont wanna follow a gold and/or money website that will give you the information. I will put days of my time to analyze both the Real money auction house and the in game currency auction house for my readers. I will be posting graphs that shows how I did the analyze and how prices change and how I can use that to predict trends.
If you wanna make big money in Diablo 3 it will be all about predicting trends and turn it to your advantage and make huge profit. Ill show you some examples of how I could use the AH to predict a trend and for that ill use a graph.
Now lets say this is a reward you get from a quest chain, when times goes on the first "wave" of players finish the quest chain so the supply starts to slowly go down (blue line), but people still want this item so the demand goes up (red line). If I see this in my analyze I start investing in that item (light blue dots) because I think it will go up in price and as you see it keep raising in price which means profit.
This is how my main goal to make money will be, and I will learn you guys how to see this patterns and trends and also tell you when I find one.
Make sure to check out Diablo 3 Gold tip 1 and Diablo 3 Gold tip 2.
Remember to Subscribe. Thanks guys!
When I was playing World of warcraft and Ultima online earning gold wasnt realy a big task if you compare how hard it will be in Diablo 3. If you want to get alot of gold or money in Diablo 3 you will need to do strict reaserches and analyzes if you dont wanna follow a gold and/or money website that will give you the information. I will put days of my time to analyze both the Real money auction house and the in game currency auction house for my readers. I will be posting graphs that shows how I did the analyze and how prices change and how I can use that to predict trends.
If you wanna make big money in Diablo 3 it will be all about predicting trends and turn it to your advantage and make huge profit. Ill show you some examples of how I could use the AH to predict a trend and for that ill use a graph.
Now lets say this is a reward you get from a quest chain, when times goes on the first "wave" of players finish the quest chain so the supply starts to slowly go down (blue line), but people still want this item so the demand goes up (red line). If I see this in my analyze I start investing in that item (light blue dots) because I think it will go up in price and as you see it keep raising in price which means profit.
This is how my main goal to make money will be, and I will learn you guys how to see this patterns and trends and also tell you when I find one.
Make sure to check out Diablo 3 Gold tip 1 and Diablo 3 Gold tip 2.
Remember to Subscribe. Thanks guys!
Will The Diablo 3 RMAH be a revolution for the gaming industry?
Do you think blizzard made a good move when they added the Real Money Auction House? In my opinion it was a great move! Game designers and devlopers main goal have for several years been to make a way to reward skilled players without damaging the other parts of the game. I am not suprised blizzard is the first company that have figured out a way to do this because of their success.
Richard Garriott, the man who created the Ultima series and Ultima Online. Richard is someone I look up to and inspires me. Heres a video when he talks about how he thinks the future of gaming will look like and he talks about how skilled players should be rewarded.
The video is also about his background in the Gaming Industry and its 42 minutes long , but I realy reccomend watching it.
I think that this new RMAH will change the gaming industry for ever and other game companys will start picking up on this. This is a way to make free to play games profitable and just adding someting thats good for the game. A big plus to blizzard about this.
Thanks guys make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more.
Richard Garriott, the man who created the Ultima series and Ultima Online. Richard is someone I look up to and inspires me. Heres a video when he talks about how he thinks the future of gaming will look like and he talks about how skilled players should be rewarded.
The video is also about his background in the Gaming Industry and its 42 minutes long , but I realy reccomend watching it.
I think that this new RMAH will change the gaming industry for ever and other game companys will start picking up on this. This is a way to make free to play games profitable and just adding someting thats good for the game. A big plus to blizzard about this.
Thanks guys make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more.
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