Do you wanna be sure to take part in the giveaway? You can either Subscribe in the sidebar or down below, Like my facebookpage or Follow me on twitter, then you can be 100% sure you will take part of my giveaway and take part of the free Diablo 3 gold tips. The giveaway is coming very soon guys!
Blizzard have started giving out Beta keys already, but only to the press and prominent fansites. So I am glad to say that we will soon see a Beta key in you'r Email (if you were lucky enough to get one, that be said).
If you'r lucky enough to get a beta key, do not click any links in you'r email. Go straight to battle.net and follow the instructions there. I have already seen people spamming me with fake beta keys in hope to get some information. Use as always common sense when it comes to email guys!
Didn't you get a beta key in the first wave?
Don't worry, Short gameplay + Likely issued = High attrition = Additional beta keys.
So make sure to stay on top and look forward to other beta key giveaways!
I will for sure be giving away beta keys if I get a second one.
Thanks guys and remember to subscribe, comment and share!